Web Server Upgrade ✔️

Web Server Successfully Upgraded on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 1:30AM. ✔️

**ALERT: UPDATE/CHANGE - August 25, 2016**

Due to a drastic change in availability, this project has been re-scheduled for this weekend - August 26-29

Actual Schedule

  • ✔️ Server Imaging: Friday 11:30PM-12:15AM
    Actual Downtime/Interruption: None
    Status: Completed ✔️✔️✔️
  • ✔️ Upgrade Test Run: Saturday: 12:15-12:50
    Status: Completed ✔️✔️✔️
  • ✔️ Server Upgrade: Saturday 1:00AM-1:30AM
    Actual Downtime: ~5-15 Minutes
    Affected Service: Web, Database, and Mail Services
    Status: ✔️✔️✔️ Completed
  • Post Checks ✔️✔️✔️

New Schedule

This is a tentative schedule, actual downtime, interruptions, and outage start/end times will be posted before the event.

  • Friday (5PM-5AM): Server Imaging
    Minor Downtime or interruption
  • Friday (5PM-5AM): Upgrade Test Run
    No Downtime Expected
  • Saturday 5AM - Sunday 10PM: Regular Scheduled Software Upgrades and Memory Upgrade process. Estimated Downtime: ~ 1-5 Hours (Rough Estimate)

We will post updates about this upgrade, here on our status site and also on our Twitter feed.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

– Mad Scientist Technologies Internetworking and Infrastructure Team

Old Schedule, Historical Data only

Between August 24-27 we will be upgrading our primary web server to increase the system memory. This will improve the system’s performance and provide better speed for all managed websites.

Our current timeline for this upgrade is as follows:

  • Wednesday: Full Server Backup/Snapshot
    Minor Downtime
  • Wednesday: Upgrade Test Run
    No Downtime
  • Thursday: Site Backups
    No Downtime
  • Friday-Saturday: Software Upgrades and Memory upgrade.
    After Wednesday’s test run we will be able to disclose estimated downtime for this upgrade window.